Traction spaces are most often used for some combination of knowledge management (where wiki page naming is a useful feature) and communication (where page naming is not necessary - and a distraction). Accordingly, the defaults are such that page naming is optional but can made a forced requirement in a given space.
A space in Traction can be configured to make it easy for groups to author and organize articles to create "wiki-style" websites, such as or the online Documentation space that you are reading right now. Indeed, while providing the key features needed for creating wikis, Traction TeamPage goes well beyond these to meet the needs of enterprise users.
Some basic concepts of a wiki are to:
Make it easy for a number of people to jointly author and edit pages in a workspace or site
Maintain a "name space" where all wiki page names are unique (and allow for assignment of page name aliases to any given page)
Make it possible to link easily from one article to another by using a page name and common syntax "[[Your Page]]" or a link tool
Traction TeamPage meets these requirements, plus:
Integrates these capabilities with all of the security featues and enterprise weblog support inherent in Traction's architecture
Extends the concept of assigning page name aliases to allow for Global Page Names (where the Namespace is independent from any space, but points to a given article in a given space) and allow for assigning cross-project aliases (allowing you to assign a page name in one space to an article in another space).
Displays "incoming" links (in a Referenced By list) but screens the links based on the reader's permission to read (or read draft) in the spaces which contain articles linking to a given article/page.
Provides Page and Comment Moderation that makes it easy to divide authoring and publishing roles and maintain a stable view of published content while an updating process is underway
When a project administrator configures the space to use a wiki template and settings, the following are generally true:
The Dashboard Sections on the space's newspage starts with (or may only have) a single section that is set to show a specific article in Full volume (so the whole article is displayed, as opposed to title or snippet). That article will be used for top level navigation, with links to other articles edited into it.
Additional sections may be used to manage the wiki process (showing recent edits, orphaned pages, renamed pages, draft pages, requested pages)
Additional sections may be used to show important cross-sections of content (e.g. Pages tagged FAQ shown alphabetically)
The column navigation (typically a list of labels for a space) may be authored by the space administrator to use Space Navigation Links to provide direct navigation to key pages (as has been done in this Documentation space)
Most article links are made to Page Names rather than Traction article IDs
The use of the Moderated Publishing model to allow articles to have both Draft and Published states/versions is optional and is not limited to use with wiki-style spaces. However, it will frequently be used with wiki-style spaces, as their content is often created and maintained as formal online documentation.